Agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) have a huge potential to play an important role in raising awareness on nutrition and promotion of nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA). NSA is an approach ensuring the production of a variety of affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate and safe foods, in adequate quantity and quality, to meet the dietary requirements of populations in a sustainable manner (FAO, 2017).
As part of an effort to document good practices of integration of nutrition into the work of EAS, the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services Nutrition Working Group (GFRAS NWG) supported by the GFRAS secretariat, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Red Latinoamericana de Extensión Rural (RELASER) is interested in collecting case studies that describe rural extension experiences that have successfully incorporated nutrition. The aim is to identify strategies, evidence and lessons learned that can be adapted to other contexts.